DOORS ARE CLOSING!!! This is your LAST CHANCE to join Your Next Chapters before the first LIVE Coaching Call...

Ready to Uplevel Your Life

and achieve a GOAL

in ten short weeks?

Welcome to

Your Next Chapters

This is where your dreams become a reality.

Ready to
Uplevel Your Life

and achieve a GOAL

in ten short weeks?

Welcome to

Your Next Chapters

This is where your dreams become a reality.


So why is midlife hard for so many women?

Some of it has to do with the battle with our hormones—hot flashes, mood swings, exhaustion, belly bloat.

But there’s actually something deeper… 

Our generation was promised that we could have ALL THE THINGS… 

A supportive partner, a dream job, a big house, quality family time, incredible vacations, and a comfy retirement.

For many of us, that dream didn’t quite unfold. 

Or maybe you’ve got it all, but something is still missing.

Are you like most women in our generation…?

Did you forget to put yourself on your own to-do list? 

Did you spend so much time caring for everyone else that you lost track of taking care of yourself?

Most of us find ourselves depleted in midlife…

And now we’re craving something more.

I see you, and I get it.

Get crystal clear on what YOU REALLY want right now that will light you up.

Let Natalie Jill and her team help you uncover the vision that has been hiding underneath everyone else’s needs and demands. Find out how to make a shift into an incredible direction to make this next chapter your BEST chapter.

Have Fun Getting into Action While Creating the Next Chapter 

Gain genuine connection, support and inspiration in this program filled with like minded women who are on the same journey of exploration, wanting a sense of purpose and passion for life and are turning dreams into reality. 

Work with the Goal Achievement, Health and Fitness Expert Herself

Have big goals to rock but don't know where to start? Work with Natalie Jill, one of the foremost respected experts for THRIVING in midlife. Natalie's proven method to get clear and take action has gotten results for over 300,000+ women.

I have a question for you...

What would your 30-year-old self think of the life you’re living now? 

Would she be satisfied? 

Did she have bigger dreams for you?

🧷  Did you think you’d have achieved so much more by now?

🧷  Did you once dream of a career that set your soul on fire but settled for less?

🧷  Do you want to get in the best shape of your life but feel like others are saying it’s impossible at your age?

🧷  Did you see yourself traveling the world by now, but never found the time?

🧷  Are you dreaming of starting a side hustle, but the “what ifs” are holding you back?

🧷  Were you blindsided by midlife hormonal changes that have left you looking and feeling like a stranger to yourself?

They tell us 50 is the new 30…

But that’s only true if we have the right tools and strategies to be our BEST in midlife…

Your Next Chapters  

This is where you will CRUSH a goal that you have in midlife. Could be a side hustle, a new business...anything you want!

It’s YOUR time to take the next step...together!



You’re Way More Powerful than You Know…

Welcome to YOUR Eras Tour:

Midlife Edition

Your Midlife Era is actually the BEST era and here’s why…

Have you tried everything to lose weight...

 and feel frustrated that you never succeed ?

Are you tired of beating up your body...

and obsessing about your weight?

Do you feel at your wits end...

and like just succumbing to what society tells you about aging? 

Midlife is Your Wisdom Era:

Don’t you wish you knew in your 30s what you know now? Sister, you’ve lived and you’ve learned! You are wiser than you know. Now is the time to leverage your wisdom to turn your big dream into a reality. 

Midlife is Your “Me Time” Era:

The days of diapers, breastfeeding and volunteering in the classroom are over. I know you’re still busy, but the time is NOW to put yourself first without feeling guilty. This era is all about self-care, diving into your passions, and giving yourself the love and attention you deserve.

Midlife is Your “I’m the Boss” Era:

Ready to turn those dreams into reality? Whether it’s starting that side hustle, climbing the career ladder, or being the CEO of your life, this is the time to make it all happen.

Midlife is Your Healthy Era:

Who says you can’t be in the best shape of your life right now? 50 is the new 30, but only if you claim it. You can truly be sexier, more beautiful, stronger, healthier, and more vibrant than ever. Step into the light and shine!

Midlife is Your “I’m Unstoppable” Era:

With all your experience and resilience, there’s nothing you can’t tackle. This era is about embracing your full potential and showing the world just how unstoppable you truly are.

Have you tried everything to lose weight...

 and feel frustrated that you never succeed ?

Are you tired of beating up your body...

and obsessing about your weight?

Do you feel at your wits end...

and like just succumbing to what society tells you about aging? 

Write Your Midlife Story

On Your Terms…

Picture this: 

Loving your body, feeling energized, strong, and beautiful…

Imagine waking up every day with a clear purpose, chasing passions that make your heart sing and bring you real joy…

Envision knowing that you can achieve anything you set your mind to…

Your Next Chapters

is where the magic happens!

Wanna start a side hustle - LET'S DO IT!
Wanna work less and play more - LET'S DO IT!
Wanna change your career - LET'S DO IT!
Wanna release more weight? - LET'S DO IT!
Wanna take your health detective to another level? - LET'S DO IT!

Wanna deepen your intimacy and take your relationship to the next level - LET'S DO IT!

Wanna start a new hobby - LET'S DO IT!

Wanna quit your job and retire - LET'S DO IT!

Wanna start taking epic vacations - LET'S DO IT!

Your Next Chapters

Here’s what’s waiting for you when you join:

✨ Crush Your Midlife 10-Week Program  

This is your chance to rock your Midlife Era and make it your best one yet! With eight power-packed modules, this program is all about helping you smash through obstacles and achieve those big, life-changing goals. It’s designed to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

✨ Weekly Access to Natalie Jill

Imagine having Natalie’s full attention, answering your questions, and giving you the focused coaching you need to stay motivated and on track. This is exactly what you get with exclusive weekly group Zoom meetings with Natalie! This is your chance to experience personalized guidance and inspiration like never before.

In addition...Natalie’s amazing husband, Brooks Hollan is a master at helping people get unstuck, and he’s gonna be there to help you too!

It’s not just group coaching; it’s a VIP experience where Natalie is fully committed to helping you turn your dreams into reality. Natalie charges $25K for private one-on-one coaching, so this is the only super affordable way to get direct access to her!

✨ Exclusive Private Community

Natalie attracts amazing women. You’re about to enter an intimate circle of extraordinary women who will inspire you, encourage you and motivate you to be your best self.

✨ Natalie’s Personal Tools and Resources for Success

You’re gonna get the same transformative tools that Natalie credits for her success. These tools and resources are what keep Natalie on the success train, and she’s sharing them all with you! 

✨ Vivid Vision Mastery

Need help envisioning the bright future you want to create? Natalie will guide you through her Vivid Vision Mastery Process , helping you find that next big goal that’ll light you up for your next big chapter.

✨ Courage-to-Create Action Plan

Natalie is the Queen of sparking creative action and making things happen. She’s all about getting you to the finish line. With her step-by-step plan, your to-do list will practically take care of itself. Getting results has never been this easy!

✨ Natalie’s Secrets for Confidence and Joy

Everyone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed every once in a while. Natalie has powerful tools to get you out of your funk! You’re gonna love experiencing her secrets to shifting into joy and embodying confidence.

✨ Exponential Personal Growth

Women who’ve completed this program say they feel like a completely new person. Get ready to uplevel every area of your life—big time! Your closest loved ones won’t believe the incredible changes they’ll see in you!

✨ Tangible, Measurable Results

Whatever goal(s) you choose to focus on during these eight weeks, you will see tangible, measurable results. These eight weeks will nourish you with everything you need to turn your dreams into a reality. 

Bonus Alert!

When you sign up today, you’re also gonna get…

💕 Free Access to the 365 community ($470 value)

💕 ⁠Free Access to come back as an alumni for January Thrive ($497 value)

Here’s What Lisa has to say about Your Next Chapters


In my 40s, I noticed the weight creeping up, and by my 50s, my body really started to change. The workouts that used to work for me just weren’t cutting it anymore, and it was so frustrating. I began worrying about my health, especially since I have full custody of my special needs grandson, who relies on me completely. I started thinking, “I need to be around forever to take care of him.” That’s when I decided to join Natalie’s program to focus on getting healthy and losing weight.

Working with Natalie has truly been life-changing. I initially joined to lose 20 pounds, but I ended up gaining so much more. The tools I learned from Natalie didn’t just help me shed the weight—they saved my marriage, motivated me to write and publish a book, and even led me to start a new business making dog treats. Now, I’m doing what I’m meant to do: providing employment opportunities for autistic individuals to help them build meaningful careers. Yes, I lost the 20 pounds, but what I gained in return is beyond anything I ever imagined.



Here’s What Landa has to say about Your Next Chapters


Here’s What Landa has to say about Your Next Chapters

"Before I joined Natalie’s coaching program, I was really uncomfortable in my own body. I hated being in photos because I felt fat and unworthy. I had felt this way since high school, and nothing seemed to work, so out of desperation, I decided to give it a try.

Since starting Natalie’s program, I’ve released over 20 pounds and gained so much more energy. But the changes go way beyond just fat loss. Through Natalie’s focus on mindset, I’ve had breakthroughs that gave me the freedom to grow and expand in so many areas of my life. I used to be so rigid, always playing it safe in my comfort zone. Public speaking terrified me, and I never tried anything new—not even new foods!

My husband is so proud of me because he’s seen how much I’ve grown. I’m more adventurous and open to trying new things—I even went zip-lining in the Dominican Republic, and my husband was blown away! Now I am better at putting myself in vulnerable situations like public speaking to stretch and expand my comfort zone. I love trying new foods, and both my mom and my husband have noticed how much I’ve changed.

This program has helped me become a better version of myself, inside and out. As I continue this journey, I’m positively impacting those around me—it’s a gift that keeps on giving! I never imagined that a fat loss program would have such far-reaching effects in every area of my life. I’m incredibly grateful to Natalie and her amazing program. There’s truly nothing else like it!"


Reading a restaurant menu without your reading glasses is hard.

Joining Your Next Chapters is easy. 

Step #1


Then once you are in, get excited! We are about to go on a journey! We will help you figure out what area of your life to focus on FIRST.

Step #2


Access your log in, review the initial content BEFORE our first live session and start DREAMING! What would you want to create if anything was possible?

Step #3


Let's get to work! In a SIMPLE, EASY, Vision focused FUN way full of possibilities! Take action and grab one of the spots BELOW!

If you don’t join your Next Chapters, you risk staying stuck or even worse, losing all hope you will ever accomplish what you imagined.

But if you join, you'll break free from focusing on the wrong things and find the solutions you need.

With the help of expert guidance and a community of amazing women who understand what you're going through, you will rediscover your power and create an achievable plan towards your hearts desire.

Trust me, when you let go of what is no longer serving you…you make room for all of the good stuff to come in and the possibilities become endless!

Don't let fear hold you back - what awesome things are waiting for you on the other side? 

Let's discover together what's next for you and how to get it!

So come on - let's rock this midlife thing together!



BEGINS September 23!

PLUS get these amazing bonuses!

 Q&A Replay with Triple Board Certified OB-GYN, Dr. Anna Cabeca - AKA the Girlfriend Doctor

Eeeeks! What about our changing hormones and bodies? We have you covered! 

We recognize hormones and changing bodies are a serious thing in Midlife. The Girlfriend Doctor will be navigating us through the tough questions that we are facing in this somewhat messy middle part of life.

Q&A Replay with Board Certified Nurse Practitioner Laura Frontiero, aka The Gut Genie

Have you ever heard it all starts in the gut. Well it does. And in midlife, low energy and brain fog are common complaints. And we can’t have that stopping us. Laura can help you give your energy a face lift, clear that sluggish feeling and even help with that belly bloat so you can give it all you got while you look good and feel good in these next chapters.

Q&A Replay with MY Personal COO, Deirdre Gonzalez

My personal COO and friend is going to whip our mindset into shape. As a Midlifer herself who made epic changes and reinvented herself, she has so much inspiration to share on how she made big changes, took her power back, started a business, made time for her and is living an epic next chapter. She also happens to be a High Performance Coach and Business Builder whose superpower is structure, organization and time management. She will definitely help get yourself on your to do list and make sure you get what you want.

LIVE BONUS call with Brooks Hollan, High Performance Coach

Brooks will inspire you to take imperfect action so you can achieve your goals, when you say you will, and not a moment later. Time to kick procrastination out the window, ladies!

Q&A Replay with Money Mindset Expert, Bret Johnson

Feeling Financially behind at this time of life!? Don't worry... we've got you! Bret loves to teach strategies to make your money work you don’t have to. I mean, who doesn’t need this?!

Hear what others who have done this process with Natalie Jill have to say!


Natalie Jill is a midlife expert who helps women redefine healthy aging. She previously built a fitness and fat loss business that has helped over 250,000 women transform their bodies and health. Over 50​ years old herself, she is changing conversations around age, potential and possibility!

In addition to running her Midlife Conversations Inner Circle, she helps clients across the globe in business, lifestyle, and health skyrocket their VISION and GOALS, up-leveling their vision, dialing in their purpose, expanding their life, and creating joy. 

She teaches the exact methods she has used PERSONALLY to expand her life, including growing her globally recognized fat loss and fitness brand with well over 3 million social media followers worldwide, two bestselling books, and a top ranked podcast...ALL built IN midlife.


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